ArchiteCt Marco Tagliapietra

Graduated with honors from the Politecnico di Milano in Architecture, since 1996 Marco has been working as a professional in the field and focuses on architecture in its broadest sense; from renovating existing units to planning new constructions, from interior design to restorations.


Through an educated and professional methodology, he creates the transformation process that goes "from ideas to tangible reality", the foundation of every architectural work.

He is constantly undertaking new activities of architectural design and execution planning, as well as supervision of work in the housing, business and industrial sectors.

In the field of interior design, he has developed extensive expertise in the creation of custom-made furniture.



Registered with the Ordine degli Architetti di Milano n. 9403

Member of the Albo Collaudatore Regione Lombardia n.3611

Recognised Safety Coordinator since 1998

Fire Safety Expert L.818/84 since 2001

MT - Studio Architettura Tagliapietra

Via Maiocchi 19 Milano

+39 02 2049396